This is a very interesting article that discusses how the placenta can play a role in premature birth. Just a snip-it of the potential causes yet to be revealed.
My wife gave birth to our son Carter at 26wks and 4d.We were scared, but overjoyed with the birth of our first child. Our experience proved that preemies are full of strength. We met other parents along our journey that met similar challenges, always remaining optimistic and strong. I hope that this blog will bring awareness to premature birth and provide a resource for parents.If you have topics that you would like more information about please email them to me at
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Also known as PDA this condition is fairly common in preterm babies. In babies born less than 28 weeks gestation the incidence is as high as 60% then this incidence decreases to 20% in preterm births older than 32 weeks gestation. For term babies the incidence is a mere 0.02%. In most situations the PDA will close within the first 3 days of life. This condition can cause significant issues in preterm babies if not treated properly.
First it is important to understand what a PDA is and how it affects other systems in the body. Patent means "open" and the ductus arteriosus is a vessel that is vital in fetal blood circulation. Before birth this vessel connects two arteries in the body together, the aorta and the pulmonary artery. The aorta is an artery that carries blood away from the heart after it has been oxygenated to the rest of the body. The pumonary artery is similar in that it is a vessel that carries blood however the blood it carries does not contain high oxygen levels since it is carrying the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. During fetal development the baby gets oxygenated blood from mom therefore the lungs are bypassed while they continue to develop. Typically the ductus arteriosus closes shortly after birth when the lungs are now used for oxygenation. However, in some instances it remains open. This causes oxygen rich blood from the aorta to mix with oxygen poor blood from the pulmonary artery.

Taken from:
A PDA in a preterm baby who already has immature lungs can cause worsening shortness of breath, or require more work to breath. Sometimes additional oxygen or ventilator support is necessary while the condition is corrected.
Correcting a PDA can be done in a variety of ways. These include:
The medical team will advise you that it is important to give the baby a chance to close this vessel themselves since medicines and surgery have potential complications that could further complicate the already difficult course that babies have in the NICU. How aggressively the PDA is treated is primarily dependent on the problems that it is causing for the respiratory system. Another important note about a PDA is that when it closes it can still re-open so the medical team will pay close attention to the heart exam and watch the baby clinically to ensure no unexplained symptoms are occurring.
My above explanation is just brushing the surface so for more detailed information feel free to refer to the below reliable sites.
Also known as PDA this condition is fairly common in preterm babies. In babies born less than 28 weeks gestation the incidence is as high as 60% then this incidence decreases to 20% in preterm births older than 32 weeks gestation. For term babies the incidence is a mere 0.02%. In most situations the PDA will close within the first 3 days of life. This condition can cause significant issues in preterm babies if not treated properly.
First it is important to understand what a PDA is and how it affects other systems in the body. Patent means "open" and the ductus arteriosus is a vessel that is vital in fetal blood circulation. Before birth this vessel connects two arteries in the body together, the aorta and the pulmonary artery. The aorta is an artery that carries blood away from the heart after it has been oxygenated to the rest of the body. The pumonary artery is similar in that it is a vessel that carries blood however the blood it carries does not contain high oxygen levels since it is carrying the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. During fetal development the baby gets oxygenated blood from mom therefore the lungs are bypassed while they continue to develop. Typically the ductus arteriosus closes shortly after birth when the lungs are now used for oxygenation. However, in some instances it remains open. This causes oxygen rich blood from the aorta to mix with oxygen poor blood from the pulmonary artery.

Taken from:
A PDA in a preterm baby who already has immature lungs can cause worsening shortness of breath, or require more work to breath. Sometimes additional oxygen or ventilator support is necessary while the condition is corrected.
Correcting a PDA can be done in a variety of ways. These include:
- Conservative treatment - Waiting for the PDA to close itself. It has been found that upwards of 70-90% will close within 3 days of birth if left alone or with adjustments to ventilator settings.
- Medicines - The use of Indomethacin or ibuprofen have been shown to be a first line medicine to close the PDA.
- Surgery - If all other treatments fail a surgical ligation can be performed in which the vessel is tied off to prevent the flow of blood through the vessel.
The medical team will advise you that it is important to give the baby a chance to close this vessel themselves since medicines and surgery have potential complications that could further complicate the already difficult course that babies have in the NICU. How aggressively the PDA is treated is primarily dependent on the problems that it is causing for the respiratory system. Another important note about a PDA is that when it closes it can still re-open so the medical team will pay close attention to the heart exam and watch the baby clinically to ensure no unexplained symptoms are occurring.
My above explanation is just brushing the surface so for more detailed information feel free to refer to the below reliable sites.
Monday, May 26, 2014
The Prevalence of Prematurity
Preterm Labor, A Fear Realized
Although it is difficult to predict if a female will have preterm labor there are important warning signs that should not be ignored. These may include:
- Backache
- Contractions
- Cramping
- Fluid leaking from the vagina
- Flu-Like Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
- Increased pressure in the pelvis or vagina
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Vaginal bleeding
Any of these signs during a pregnancy should prompt a call to the obstetrician for potential further evaluation.
Your baby is surrounded by a membrane called the amniotic sac that is filled with fluid and protects the baby during development. In a situation when the membrane breaks due to a tear or hole in the membrane it is called rupture of membranes. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) occurs in about 8% of pregnancies and is marked by rupture of the membrane prior to labor beginning. In less that 2% of pregnancies this will occur in a situation where the pregnancy is preterm and is referred to preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). The following resource provides organized details of each condition that can occur leading to premature labor and their potential causes.
These additional links are to resources that are helpful in understanding the terminology that is commonly encountered.
When my wife had PPROM leading to the birth of our son 14 weeks early it was a scary moment. Preparation and understanding the terminology and potential outcomes are essential in empowering yourself to remain calm during a time that is all but easy.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Welcome to Preemie Power Parents
Saturday, 5/24/14
Welcome to Preemie Power Parents. As you have probably already seen, my wife gave birth to our first child at 26 weeks and 3 days. It was the scariest time of our life during a time that should have been filled with excitement and calculated preparation. As many preemie parents our initial questions were why. What happened, what did we do? The answer is simple, in most situations there was nothing that we could have done differently. Although we live in an age of significant technological advancements we still have no answers for the cause of most cases of premature births. This experience was made even more difficult with my back ground as a Physician Assistant understanding nearly all that was happening to my wife and our baby. After 84 days in the NICU our baby boy was able to come home. Throughout our time in the NICU we endured many tough times and celebrated many accomplishments with our little boy. Now he is finally home and doing well. This blog is dedicated to the strength that preemies display in fighting for their life and the parents of those preemies who live every second of every minute of every hour of every day not knowing what is next. With my career in medicine as a resource I hope to impart parents of preemies and others with the knowledge necessary to understand conditions that their preemies may have throughout their journey so that they can spend less time wondering what will happen in the next second and more time being empowered to make informed decisions and focusing on their family.
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